
Jon Arend co-founded Combat Science with Dave Weinberg. Jon has over 16 years experience working as a fitness expert and trainer for numerous A-list celebrities, professional and collegiate athletes, and fortune 500 CEOs. Jon developed his own proprietary fitness systems called Arend Training. He specializes in structural alignment, three-dimensional functional training, myofascial deep tissue work, and functional diagnostic nutrition. His cutting-edge program helps the body to rapidly repair, rewire, and rebuild itself toward optimal health.
Ryan Birmingham has practiced and taught Freedman’s Method Ketsugo Jiu-jitsu* for over 14 years directly under Grandmaster Peter Freedman. He is Grandmaster Freedman’s most senior student in the New Hampshire Dojo and is a Guro of the Brewster Arnis Club (New Hampshire Branch). He showcased his skills by winning 1st place in three events at the international Bakbakan Tournament including single stick sparring, double stick sparring, and knife sparring. He has taught close quarters defensive tactics to the U.S. Department of Defense.
Rico Blair has taught and practiced Freedman’s Method Ketsugo Jiu-jitsu* for over 20 years directly under Grandmaster Peter Freedman. He started his own dojo and taught at the branch clubs in Tokyo and Yokohama Japan before moving to Texas. He works hard to ensure the continuation of the art and method by making yearly visits back to the Japan clubs.
Roberto “Indio” Davila has practiced and taught Freedman’s Method Ketsugo Jiu-Jitsu* for over 25 years. He studied directly under Grandmaster Peter Freedman and is one of Peter’s most advanced and prized instructors. In his former life Indio had a reputation of being the most feared person in Boston’s notorious South End. Through tremendous self-discipline, rigorous body-building routines, and intense self-defense training he completely transformed his life. He aspires to help lift others so they, too, can reach their highest potential.
Peter Freedman is the founder and Grandmaster of Freedman’s Method Ketsugo Jiu-Jitsu* and the Guro Director of the Brewster Arnis Club. He has over 50 years experience practicing and teaching self-defense. He has taught his revolutionary, combative teaching system to a wide variety of clients including members of law enforcement, the CIA, Department of Defense, Special Forces, Mountain Soldiers, Navy Seals, State Troopers, DEA, FBI, Sky Marshals, and Correctional Officers.
Dave Weinberg co-founded Combat Science with Jon Arend. Dave studied directly under Grandmaster Peter Freedman and has over 18 years experiences practicing and teaching Freedman’s Method Ketsugo Jiu-Jitsu*. He has taught close quarters hand-to-hand combat to members of the LAPD, South Carolina Law Enforcement, U.S. Marines, U.S. Army, U.S. Army Rangers, and Counter-Terrorism Instructors for Special Operations.