
I. Repair

6 minutes and 18 seconds
Using a long foam roller (3 foot) learn how to mobilize the chest and thoracic spine. If you sit in a chair, work on a computer, watch TV or train your chest really hard, this is one of the best exercises to open up the upper ribs and chest. We need good mobility in our upper body in order to breath properly and move with function.

5 minutes and 30 seconds
Welcome to an old standby in the physical therapy world, and the reason this exercise has been around forever is that it works. Follow Jon and learn how to wake up the glutes. Learning how to activate the gluteus muscles is essential for human movement and for injury prevention, especially in the lower back.

6 minutes and 26 seconds
Jon challenges you to keep your balance and mobilize your hip from your leg bone in this Repair video. In order for us to move functionally we have to “separate” the femur (leg bone) from the pelvis to create hip flexibility and mobility. If you have ever had back pain, this is a “must” video.