“You are not here to regurgitate information. You are here to create your own way.”  -Sensei David J. Weinberg


“Randori” Or Free Sparing Demonstration

Indio demonstrates “randori” or free sparing against multiple attackers. He shows how you can learn to develop and invent techniques spur of the moment for whatever threat comes your way. There are no choreographed attacks or choreographed, regurgitated responses. Everyone is moving slowly so no one gets hurt. Additionally, the slow training allows your brain to learn how to begin creating and also empowers your sensitivity to perceive subtle nuances that would normally evade your senses. As your skill levels grows and if you’re training with a partner who is of a similar skill level you are free to increase the pace provided you are both training at a speed in which you have enough control not to injure one another.

Topics: Indio, Randori, Create, Creating, Free Sparing, Demonstration

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