"The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live."  -Flora Whittenmore

Boot Camp

Day 20

If you are new to working out or it has been a long time since you moved your body make sure that you follow this dynamic warm-up. If you need a little extra time to loosen up before the flow workouts then add in this video.

Time to hit the hills and get a 3D sprint workout in. Follow the order below:
1. Hill Sprints ( 2 reps)
(first one is at 50% of max)
(second one is 75% of max)
2. Side Slides (2 reps)
3. Jump Squats (2 reps)
4. Lunge Jumps (2 reps)
5. Hill Sprints (2 reps)
(first one is 100% max)
(Second one is 50% max)

14 min of core. That’s all it is!

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